8 May 2014

Slogging on with D-Day preparation

Whoohoo... D-Day Prep: The Slog

I had no idea how much work a large-scale Sword Beach D-Day invasion would bring about. Effectively we are talking 3, well probably 4 games in one. Thankfully my family piled in at the weekend to help with prepping. A most welcome, even if unusual situation for my wife, who has up to now kept her distance from wargaming in any form other than logistical support. I was most grateful that she took up a paint roller in support yesterday!

D Day%20Landings%20www.infographicality.com D Day Landings Infographic

The total board is 4.8 metres wide, 3 separate gaming boards, inter-connected:
Peter, Queen and Roger sectors as below

1600mm x 800mm :

The 2 x beach approaches at Luc-sur Mer and Lion/Hermanville-sur-Mer, and the harbour approach to Ouistreham. These are protected by bunkers, a turret bunker and MG posts.

Then 3 x 1600 x 1600 - the Villages as above and Ouistreham with the Casino and artillery observation bunker (German HQ), The Pegasus bridge over the Orne River and  the canal lock in the Orne canal; and Normandy pasture and fields beyond that.
In this is seated the Merville battery, field batteries and Wiederstandsnester (Resistance points) of the German occupiers.

Allies have unlimited supply of troops and equipment,  (have to be landed, though, on beach or by air, limited amount per turn) air superiority and Germans have to roll to see if things get any better than the actual events went for them. One in 3 chance of a "booby prize"
I.e. SS Reinforcements, Luftwaffe support, no command interference from Hitler, vs attack by Partisans, devastating artillery fire by allies, rebelling or collapsing Ost Truppen.

Typical Beach defenses, as found at Ohama and other landings

Allied Side

Player 1 (Allied, Roger sector)

  • Conducts the Allied Airborne assault: Objectives- the two bridges, and the Merville Battery, secure route to Caen
  • Troops at disposal: British Parachute Company - Objective Merville Battery, parachute drop
  • British Airlanding Company -  Objective Pegasus Bridge, air landing by glider
  • Commando Company (Inclusive of Free French)  - Objective Ouistreham, then link up with Airborne troops to hold bridges (lands in second wave of beach landings)
  • Uses D-Day Minus 1 rule-set

Player 2 (Allied, Queen sector)

  • Conducts seaborne landing: Objective take Luc-sur-Mer (Brit Infantry) and the German Headquarters at the Casino (Commandos, land in 2nd wave); overcome beach defenses and eliminate inland emplacements and defenses (Wiederstands nester); progress towards Caen
  • Uses Festung Europa/Bloody Ohama rule-set

Player 3 (Allied, Peter sector)

  • Conducts seaborne landing: Objective take Lion/Herman-sur-Mer (Brit Infantry) and overcome beach defenses and eliminate inland emplacements and defenses (Wiederstands nester); Progress towards Caen
  • Uses Festung Europa/Bloody Ohama rule-set

Churchill AVRE: One of Hobart's "Funnies"

Allies have access to Hobart's funnies; Air superiority. Limitless supply of troops. Troops killed are placed back in reserve for next assault landing wave

Axis Side

Player 1 (Axis)

  • Defends Ouistreham, Merville Battery, route to Caen
  • Troops at disposal: German Infantry Merville Battery
  • Pegasus Bridge, German Infantry, Artillery crews
  • Divisional support, 21st SS Panzer Brigade in support
  • Uses Festung Europa/Bloody Ohama rule-set

Hemmbalken - log ramps designed to overturn and rip out the bottoms of allied landing craft
Been building a few of these! Could have mines or metal teeth attached to them 

Player 2 (Axis)

  • Defend Luc-sur-Mer (German Infantry) and the German Headquarters at the Casino; beach defenses and Inland emplacements and defenses (Wiederstands nester); guard route to Caen
  • Troops at disposal: German Infantry
  • Luftwaffe Artillery
  • Ost Truppen (Soviet PoWs who swopped sides) - Latter units both reluctant trained
  • Divisional support
  • Uses Festung Europa/Bloody Ohama rule-set

Belgian Gate being put in position

Player 3 (Axis)

Tzechen Egel: Czech Hedgehogs in position

  • Defend Luc-sur-Mer (German Infantry) and the road to Oustreham; beach defenses and Inland emplacements and defenses (Wiederstands nester); guard route to Caen
  • Troops at disposal: German Infantry
  • Luftwaffe Artillery (not keen on shooting at tanks)
  • Ost Truppen (Soviet PoWs who swopped sides) - Latter units both reluctant trained
  • Divisional support
  • Uses Festung Europa/Bloody Ohama rule-set
German Reserves and Wild Cards:
21 Panzer Division

1 comment:

  1. Wow, sounds very impressive! Really looking forward to seeing this on Saturday :-) Cheers, Paul.
